Sunday, February 9, 2025

Board of Ordained Ministry week

I started off last Sunday morning worshipping at the First UMC of Bradenton. 

In the afternoon I drove up to camp for the Conference Board of Ordained Ministry. 


It was nice to walk the labyrinth each morning. 

One of the candidates from our district was approved for provisional elder! 

It was a very good week. I loved working with my friend Latricia and people brought us snacks that we can both eat and love!

This was our whole Dream Team - Holly and me from the office along with Latricia (BOM Chair) and Susan (BOM Vice-Chair). 


And this was our hospitality team - Elizabeth our District Registrar along with the Rev. David and Nancy McEntire who are recently retired. 


Saturday, February 8, 2025

Fruitland Park Friends

While I was at camp for the Board of Ordained Ministry, I got a chance to visit with the Landstedts for a bit and also to go to dinner with Meredith. It was super fun to hang out with all of them again. 


Friday, February 7, 2025

His Royal Highness

Fergus has taken to sleeping on couch pillows these days. 
His Royal Highness also took my seat while I was away out of town. 


Saturday, February 1, 2025

Life Around Town

I spent a lot of time in Fort Myers this past week. I worshipped at Faith UMC Fort Myers.

And I got to eat lunch with two of our provisional pastors. 

And I popped in for a visit at Tice UMC and ran into a few familiar faces - still around from our time there

And the roof got finished at the house! It turned out so well.

Friday, January 31, 2025

Graduation Day

 I graduated from physical therapy on Thursday! I have full range of motion back! 

I still have tightness but I know how to navigate the exercises at home and they keep saying that the tightness could persist for up to a year or more. But I love being able to move my arms freely again.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Lunar New Year!

恭喜發財 Gong Hei Fat Choy! That’s Cantonese for “Wishing you happiness and prosperity.” Davis is from Guangzhou (Canton) and spoke Cantonese while living in the orphanage and with his foster family. Today starts the celebration of Lunar New Year, which continues over the next two weeks. And it’s the Year of the Snake!


Monday, January 27, 2025

Weekend at Camp

I spent time this weekend at camp in Fruitland Park speaking at a retreat for high school and college students about calling. I got to stay in a special suite overnight on the conference side.

And on the way home, I drove around Fruitland Park a little bit. Parker's name is up on the Troop 143 trailer at the church as an Eagle Scout. And the new Fruitland Park Elementary school is almost finished.