While his actual birthday isn't until Saturday, we used the opportunity of the Easter gathering to go ahead and celebrate Parker's birthday with Daddy's family yesterday. After lunch, we did birthday cake and Parker got to open presents. Grandmommy makes all the kids birthday cakes and she has this special book of cake designs that the kids get to pick from. Here's Parker's train cake (the smokestack on the engine is a chocolate covered ice cream cone with cotton candy coming out of it!)

Parker and his stack of presents!
Parker was very efficient at getting the wrapping paper off the presents this year.
A cool new suit from Granny

Parker made out like a bandit besides with more new clothes, Mr Potato Head with his own case, a CARS bathtime set, Matchbox Speed Racer, set of Matchbox cars, big semi truck that doubles with more car storage, cd with his name in all the songs,
3 Transformers, 2
CARS t-shirts, 3
CARS figurines, new craftsman flashlight and a red Turbo Rig
Roadrippers semi truck. And his birthday isn't over yet!
Here's Aunt Dawn and Cousin Kayla hanging out with Wesley.
Cousin Bethany finally getting her chance to hold Wesley.
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