Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Debbie Health Update

I had a lumpectomy last week.

On December 2nd I went for what was supposed to be a routine annual 3-D mammogram and ultrasound. The mammogram was clear but the ultrasound was not. I could tell something was wrong by the way the tech was acting and when they led me to the quiet room to get my results I knew what was coming: I had a lump in my breast. On December 15, I had an ultrasound guided needle biopsy that showed not just one but two lumps. They biopsied one and it was benign. I had a lot of pain and complications from the biopsy though which was worrying and necessitated another ultrasound in late January. Things looked ok but I was referred to a breast health surgical oncologist here in Sarasota (Dr. Sarah Kimball), who also specializes in managing care for people like me who are high risk for breast cancer. She sent me for a breast MRI in late February and we got those results in March. Again everything looked good. Nothing indicative of cancer. Dr Kimball said that we could just follow up every few months with more tests to monitor. I tried to put it away and go back to normal.
But the first two lumpectomies I had were at ages 16 and 33 and before my mom died from her second battle with breast cancer. It’s been harder this time knowing what I know now, after 2.5 years of walking with her. I have found myself unable to sleep many nights, worrying about what might be happening with these lumps in the months between testing times.
And so for my own peace of mind and that of my family, I had the surgery done last Friday to remove both lumps. We’ll get the pathology reports this week and are anticipating everything will be clear. I am incredibly grateful for Daryl’s wonderful care of me walking through this whole process over the last six months and especially with the surgery. And while I haven’t been public about this until now, we’ve had support along the way from Daryl’s family, our tribe, the FLUMC cabinet, the Grace UMC Venice staff, the SW district staff and ops team, as well as our covenant groups.


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