Sunday, March 15, 2009

Weekend Wrapup

Today for church Grandma came up and joined us and then stuck around for lunch and to see us give our Holy Land Presentation again in the afternoon. This time 33 people came out to watch and we had a great time revisiting our trip and sharing the memories and pictures again!

After we got done with our presentation, the boys came out with their sitter (thank you Miss Wendy!) and grabbed ahold of the microphones on stage and started talking away. We got this sweet picture of them sitting together yapping away at each other.

Grandpa was missing from all the fun because he is still in the hospital. We would appreciate your continued prayers. He has low blood pressure and low hemoglobin and they suspect he might have some internal bleeding so they ran a test today and will run another tomorrow to check for this. Once they can get all of this squared away than he can go to rehab.

Then tonight we watched some of the prep for the shuttle launch on NASA's website and then after its launch went outside to look from our front yard. We had an incredible view and Parker was really excited!

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