Our last day in DC dawned with weather that was slightly warmer than the previous days. We got up and finished packing, then took our luggage on the Metro to the United Methodist building where we again met up with everyone for breakfast. After breakfast we started in on the last of our seminars. First we met with Bill Mefford, the member of the General Board staff who deals with Civil and Human Rights, and talked about immigration reform. Then we had an opportunity to talk with Pat Callbeck Harper, who worked with all the Bishops on putting together their most recent Episcopal letter and campaign concerning creation care. Our last session was one of sharing with Rev. Childers and Rev. Christie, reflecting on our time together and issues facing young clergy in other conferences. We then went to the Wednesday chapel service and concluded our time by having lunch in the cafeteria of the Dirksen Senate building.
When we left lunch, we headed out to catch the Metro at the South Capitol entrance and took it over to the Smithsonian exit. We wanted to visit the World War 2 Memorial, since it was built after our last visit to DC back in 2000. We walked along the mall and came up on the memorial, built at the end of the reflecting pool between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington memorial.

The view of the Washington Monument from the World War 2 Memorial.

This is as close to Jefferson as we got on this trip.

And as close as we got to the Smithsonian also!

After our little bit of touring we headed back to the UM building to pick up our luggage and then went back to Union Station to do a little shopping for the boys before catching the Metro back to Reagan. We got there in plenty of time to get through security and had time to relax and grab 5 Guys for dinner in the terminal before our plane boarded. A straight flight home to Orlando put us in at about 9:30pm and we finally pulled back home about 11:30pm. A long but excellent trip, and so glad we got to share this experience together.
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