Saturday, April 3, 2010

Holy Week

Thursday and Friday night was Druid Hills UMC's 42nd Annual Easter Tableau (Drive Thru). Thursday night we went over as a family at 6:30pm and the boys were super excited to be able to help put out a few finishing touches on some of the scenes and the luminarias that help guide the cars.

During the actual drive-thru, the boys were in the nursery and Mommy and Daddy were in the last tent serving communion to anyone who wanted to stop.

Scene 1 - The Last Supper

Scene 2- Jesus in the Garden
Scene 3 - Jesus and the thieves on the crosses.
Scene 4 - The closed and guarded tomb.
Scene 5 - The Empty TombThursday night there were 121 cars that drove through; Friday night there were 232 cars that drove through. That by far broke last year's record. And over two nights Daddy served communion to 91 people.

On Friday night all of the guys in the family went back to help with the Tableau while Mommy went to BUMC for the Good Friday Drama - Reflections on the Cross. We started out with a free dinner (and served 70 people) and then went into worship and had about 100 for the service. Mommy played Martha of Bethany who hosted some of Jesus' friends for a meal and fellowship, sharing testimonies of what Jesus meant to them. In addition we also had Salome, the mother of James and John; the disciple Peter, the disciple Andrew, the woman who touched Jesus' cloak and was healed; the man healed of a legion of demons and Mary Magdalene. We closed out the evening by serving communion to everyone.

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