During the actual drive-thru, the boys were in the nursery and Mommy and Daddy were in the last tent serving communion to anyone who wanted to stop.
Scene 1 - The Last Supper
Scene 2- Jesus in the Garden 
Scene 3 - Jesus and the thieves on the crosses.
Scene 4 - The closed and guarded tomb.
Scene 5 - The Empty Tomb
Thursday night there were 121 cars that drove through; Friday night there were 232 cars that drove through. That by far broke last year's record. And over two nights Daddy served communion to 91 people.
Scene 3 - Jesus and the thieves on the crosses.
Scene 4 - The closed and guarded tomb.
Scene 5 - The Empty Tomb
On Friday night all of the guys in the family went back to help with the Tableau while Mommy went to BUMC for the Good Friday Drama - Reflections on the Cross. We started out with a free dinner (and served 70 people) and then went into worship and had about 100 for the service. Mommy played Martha of Bethany who hosted some of Jesus' friends for a meal and fellowship, sharing testimonies of what Jesus meant to them. In addition we also had Salome, the mother of James and John; the disciple Peter, the disciple Andrew, the woman who touched Jesus' cloak and was healed; the man healed of a legion of demons and Mary Magdalene. We closed out the evening by serving communion to everyone.
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