Monday, May 17, 2010

Monday, Monday

Last night Mommy headed home to Seffner to stay with Grandma and Grandpa for the night. Today was the funeral for Patty Jones at Seffner UMC and Mommy had the honor of officiating at the service. Afterwards she caught lunch with Grandma and then made it home with time to spare for Wesley's "End of Year" program at daycare for the 2 and 3 year old classes.

Here's Wesley up front before things started. He was blowing kisses to us!

The little girl on the end of the top row with the white bow in her hair and the pink dress is Wesley's girlfriend Kennedy.

Both classes sang several songs together, which Wesley wasn't really interested in singing. He more or less wandered around on the stairs and danced during those. Then his class performed two songs with sticks - those he enjoyed and played along!

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