This afternoon was the Mother's Day Tea for Parker's class at school. Mommy got to sit with Parker at his table. The kids started off by singing a song about moms and then they served their mothers the treats that they had put together. Each child had received two cupcakes to decorate - one for them and one for their mom. Parker chose chocolate frosting with rainbow sprinkles. Then they added strawberries and grapes and nice cool glass of tea.

After snacks were over, each child took a turn going up front and using the microphone to read their poetry. They had put together these cards with a picture and a poem on the front and then they got to write sentences on the back about "Why I love my mom." Parker did a great job reading nice and loud and slow enough so Mommy could understand him.

The picture that Parker drew with his sentences is of Mommy cooking eggs on the stove and Parker sitting at the table waiting to eat them!

The final part of the afternoon was each mother receiving a potted marigold from their child. They got to choose the color containers and write a note to their mom on it.
It was a very nice afternoon and Mommy was so happy to be a part of it!
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