Thursday, April 19, 2012

Easter Round Two

After our Easter celebrations at Grandmommy's and Granddaddy's we went to visit Grandma. She was supposed to be at her condo in Orlando for vacation, but instead was in Brandon Regional Hospital with right leg pain and unable to put any weight on it. She had already given Parker his birthday present earlier (a gift card to GameStop), but after the hospital we swung by her house to pick up the boys' Easter baskets she had put together. The boys loved their Toys R Us gift cards to spend, the candy and the new Angry Bird t-shirts!

Turns out Grandma had a hairline fracture in her leg and then ended up banging it in the hospital and sustaining a clean break. She had surgery to put a pin in her leg last week and is now in a rehab center in Brandon recuperating. Please keep her in your prayers.

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