Monday, January 15, 2018

Clergy Kids and Family Retreat

We spent the weekend with our dear clergy friends and their families at the Clergy Kids and Families Retreat. This was our 8th year to attend. We started off on Friday evening with some fun games and worship in the chapel, followed by s'mores outside next to the lake (even in the cold!).  

Back in the cabin, there was some time for warming up and goofing off. 

Saturday morning dawned even colder. The kids spent some time out on the bouncehouses in between small group time. 

The big kids did one version of an escape room while the littles did their own. Theirs led out to the dock for a treasure chest full of lollipops! 

Saturday evening after dinner was the talent show - lots of great acts - and our friends the Holdens sang a song that Mary Bug made up. 

Then it was time for worship - and at the end Parker was brought up with the other 8th graders to receive the light as they move from middle school to high school. 

An ice cream party and some fun and games back in the cabin. 

Sunday morning was the coldest yet! But the fun pancakes with all the whipped cream made it a little bit better.

At closing worship, the big kid groups each presented a skit. This is Wesley's group. 

And here's Parker's group. 

We used to always close out our time on the big climbing tree on the Path of Silence, but unfortunately it was damaged in the Hurricane this year. The boys took this picture of the tree during their explorations on Saturday......

So we finished up our time with some snuggles and pictures on the rocking chair.

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