Saturday, October 15, 2022

Charge Conference Season - Week One

Even in the midst of storm damage, it's still time for charge conferences. I had three in my first week of the season. First up was First UMC Bradenton - I preached at worship at First UMC Bradenton and got to see the pastor (an old friend Robin Hager) and a retired DS and his wife who used to be the hospitality hosts for BOM (Kendall and Karen Taylor). 

Manatee Life UMC - After lunch at the First, I drove the couple of miles over to Manatee Life for their conference. This church has a part time retired pastor who is retiring again at the end of the year and their new pastor will be a certified lay minister. We celebrated passing the mantle of leadership. 

Grace UMC Venice  - And then I had charge conference on Thursday at Daryl's church. This was him and Sarah leading the communion liturgy at the end of the meeting. 

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