Saturday, March 29, 2008

Today is Parker's 4th Birthday!

The title says it all. Our firstborn turns 4 today. Seriously it is hard to believe how fast the time has flown. It seems like just yesterday that he was Wesley's size and now he tries to boss us around and tell us how to "take care" of his brother.

Since we celebrated his birthday last week with Daddy's family and have plans to celebrate tomorrow with Mommy's family, the big deal for today was taking Parker to the toy store to pick out a toy with all the cash from the birthday cards he got in the mail this week. He got a carrying case/racetrack for his CARS movie cars and also a Mack truck from the CARS movie that opens up and carries Lightning McQueen and lets him watch tv, get a bath, eat in the kitchen.

In honor of Parker's big occasion, here's some of our favorite pictures of our big guy. Happy Birthday!

Baby Parker

Parker - One Year Old

Parker - Two Years Old

Parker - Three Years Old

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