Sunday, November 30, 2008

Super Sunday

Today was Hanging of the Greens at church. We do our decorating for the Advent season actually during the worship service and sing a bunch of Christmas carols and explain the significance behind all of the wreaths and candles and nativity scenes and the "chrismons" on the Christmas trees. Mommy and Daddy led the service today with all the narration. But the boys got to get in on the fun too. During one part we invite up all of the children present in church to come help put the Chrismons on the Christmas tree. We got the boys out of the nursery and had them help and they really enjoyed it!!

Daddy's birthday "presents" continued today as the Bucs won their game at home against the Saints!!!!! It looks like the Bucs may be going to the playoffs this year and we're so happy.

The boys had a great time on vacation with the family and they spent a good chunk of today crashed out and taking naps. Parker fell asleep on the couch while watching the Bucs game and playing with one of Wesley's new toys.

And tonight Mommy started in on getting ready for the holiday season at home by finishing up the family Christmas cards. Hopefully we can start decorating the house tomorrow!!!

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