Friday, January 23, 2009

An Evening with Mary Jo Huff

That's what the invitation from school said. And so Mommy asked the teacher who Mary Jo Huff was. She said it was the lady who sang a lot of the songs they use in Parker's class (also part of the Christmas cd that was a present from his teachers). Mrs. Valdez told Mommy it was a free concert and invited her to bring Wesley too; plus the kids were all encouraged to be comfy and wear their pjs.

So while Daddy was slaving away on his term paper in order to get class credit for our trip, Mommy took the boys in their jammies. And we had a blast! There were probably about a hundred people between parents and kids at the school tonight for the hour long program. And Mary Jo Huff was awesome in storytelling, singing and getting kids (and parents) to do motions and participate along.

At first Parker sat with us but after a while he wanted to go join some of his friends on the big rug in the middle of the room. Wesley sat unbelievably still during the stories and was up and dancing (shaking his booty) every time we sang a song. Parker's favorite song is Chicken Fun and the kids in his class had made colored chickens on sticks to hold up during the song. So cute! We also enjoyed the hand puppets she made with a set of peepers (little plastic eyes you hook around your hand to make a puppet and look like Oobi.

So we left with a new cd for Parker's music collection and a set of peepers in Parker's favorite color blue, plus some fun memories. Thanks Kids At The Point for such a great night!

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