Friday, December 11, 2009

Freezing Friday

Brrrrrr shiver! It's cold here in Ocala! On Wednesday night we had to turn on the ceiling fan to help cool off the house and tonight the heat is on. Today has gotten progressively colder and since about 12:30pm we've had a steady drizzle of rain on top of that. It's 47 degrees here and feels colder than that. So we've got another fire roaring in the fireplace this evening.

Despite the cold weather though, we accomplished some Christmas shopping this afternoon, grabbed dinner at Five Guys and crazily enough even took Daddy and Wesley back to Ocala Confections for some wonderful ice cream - their Bear Claw ice cream should be a separate food group!

Plans for tomorrow we hope to get the outside Christmas lights up if the rain goes away and get ready for our Christmas Open House on Sunday.

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