Yesterday and today are big birthday days in the Allen house. Yesterday, Wesley officially turned three and today Daddy officially turned thirty-seven. Fortunately we were able to celebrate with family while we were home last Saturday.
Grandmommy and Granddaddy hosted dinner at their house for us, Uncle Daniel's crew, Grannie, Uncle David, Aunt Barbara and Uncle Kelly. Before dinner the kids were outside playing. The 6 year olds invented a new way to play baseball - with a frisbee and a broom.

After Wesley got whacked on the cheek by the frisbee, he spent the rest of his playtime doing jump-rope away from the other cousins!

After playtime and dinner we were joined by Grandma, Aunt Jani, Aunt Sarah and Uncle Sam for dessert and presents. Grandmommy made the birthday cakes again this year. Daddy asked for his favorite Mounds Bar cake again and Wesley picked out a caterpillar cake from the cake book. The caterpillar is resting on "dirt" - crunched up chocolate graham crackers that Wesley and Parker got to crunch up themselves.

Did you ever wonder what the difference is between turning three and turning thirty-seven? Just check out exhibit A and exhibit B below.....
Exhibit A - Wesley's present stack

Exhibit B - Daddy's present stack

We sang Happy Birthday to Wesley first and then let him open his presents. He was overjoyed by all of the Toy Story toys.
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