Sunday, April 10, 2011

Report Card Time Again

Parker received his report card on Friday. He received 4 "E"s and 4 "S"s for academics and 6 "E"s and 2 "S"s for conduct. We also received an update on how he was doing in FLAME and also in his enrichment pull out program for Language Arts. It turns out that in Enrichment over the last nine weeks he's been working with Mrs. Fritz from the media center on learning how to make movies. Mrs. Fritz worked with them on brainstorming, script writing, storyboards with pictures, rehearsing, filming, downloading and editing footage. Whew! Parker's class worked on two movies: a drama about Claw the Crocogator who visits South Ocala and a public service announcement (PSA) entitled "How To Be A Friend." From quizzing him about these projects, we discovered that Parker got to operate the flip camera a couple of times and had a speaking part in the PSA!! Once again we are very proud of Parker and all his accomplishments. We are looking forward to the end of the year event where we will get to see the fruit of all these efforts.

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