Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Open House

Tonight we went to Parker's open house at South Ocala. We really wanted to be there because we received some interesting news yesterday about Parker's class. His teacher Ms. Robles was selected to teach a split 2nd grade/3rd grade class and it started yesterday. Fortunately, Parker was also selected to stay with Ms. Robles and be part of this new class. 9 of the 2nd graders in Parker's class moved out to other classrooms and 9 third graders moved in on Monday.

So everything is in a state of flux. Mrs. Robles now has a full-time assistant in her classroom. The days for all of Parker's specials (PE, Music, Art) have changed. He will still go to FLAME, but will no longer go to the pull out enrichment (triple III) class with the media specialist. Mrs. Robles has training in video production and worked with her split K-1st grade class last year on a video (it also won a state prize!).

Parker will need a flash drive for school and will start working more with Word and Powerpoint.
And his homework is changing too. Math homework will now be done on the computer at home through a website. They will be working more on spelling rules and doing word charts. Writing assignments will be more research oriented and Parker will have to do some research from home using special websites as well. And Mrs. Robles will be assigning reading in chapter books that the students have to summarize. It's a lot of changes, but we think in the end it will be very good for Parker. At least he shouldn't be bored!

Here's Wesley mugging for the camera in Parker's seat at school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Working with computers already in school. I remember a comment you made about working on the High School yearbook. "Don't forget to click on save."