Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Hail to the Chief

On Monday, Parker announced at home rather nonchalantly that he was running for class president. Debbie was so excited.....she asked if he needed signs, buttons, campaign speech.

Parker kind of rolled his eyes and said "mom" with great exasperation. Turns out he had already made a sign at school and was certain he did not need a speech for Tuesday.

Tuesday afternoon he came home with no results. The teacher had not had time to count the ballots for president, vice-president, judge, sheriff and a homework amendment. But it turns out that there were speeches and Parker was the only person running who did not give one.

We were bracing for bad news on Wednesday morning, but received the following text from Parker at 8:15am.....

"Safe at school and I am the president!"

We took the Commander in Chief of Mrs. Danhauer's third grade class to dinner - his choice? Stevi B's pizza Buffet

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