Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Forms in Transit and an Update

On Monday the FedEx truck arrived at our house to drop off a very important piece of paper. 
I was out of town at a Conference Residents in Ministry retreat in Davenport, Florida,
and so we could not sign it until I got home this evening.

Daryl and I both signed the LOA and then we signed all the other USCIS documents needed to send back with it to Lifeline. The first thing on our agenda tomorrow is a trip to FedEx.  

Then we wait to hear back from USCIS about our I800 approval,
which typically takes about four weeks.

We also got some great news in our email today about Davis.
On January 18, we were able to submit 10 questions for an update through our agency.
Today we received our answers.

 First, we got updated measurements.
Since last May at the time of his referral report,
Davis has grown 5 cm taller and 2.4 kg heavier.
That means he is now 34 inches tall and weighs 24 lbs.
He's also gone from just 8 baby teeth to all 20 of his baby teeth.

Next we found out that in addition to his foster mother
(that we have pictures of him with from last November),
he also lives with an older foster brother.
We were so glad to hear that -
hopefully he won't be as overwhelmed then by the attention
of two excited older brothers in a few months!

The rest of the information was helpful in preparing to travel and get to know our little boy.
We learned that he sleeps in a regular bed with his foster mother, that he speaks simple Cantonese;
we learned a few of his favorite foods and things he likes to play with.
According to the update he is potty trained during the day but not yet at night.

And we learned his nickname - YunYun.

It's starting to feel very, very real and very exciting. 

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