Friday, April 19, 2013

Springtime in the Ballpark

Parker's team was tied for the top of the standings as of Thursday night,
and they took on the Diamondbacks - the other team atop the rankings. 

Uncle Charles and Aunt Eunice joined us at the field to watch him play. 
He had a couple of opportunities to grab the ball and throw it while playing left field. 
Parker only had one at-bat, but he did go out swinging. 

The game went back and forth and was called at the end of 4 innings because their 90 minutes was up. 
It ended in a tie....7-7. 
Just two games for Parker left - on April 30 and May 2. 

We received Parker's baseball pictures this week and in addition, 
the Cal Ripken League and the Rotary gifted each child with a 
bag tag and every mom with a picture button.  
Very unexpected and very nice. 

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