Sunday, December 1, 2013

Celebrating Birthdays

Before we get going on our family celebration of birthdays, I wanted to share with you Wesley's birthday interview: 

So what's special about this week? My birthday. We got to go to Seffner and see family and play dodgeball. 
How old are you? 6 (he typed this number in himself) 
Do you feel older? Kind of. 
Taller? That I don't know (well, yes he's growing out of all his clothes) 
What's your favorite color? aqua 
What's your favorite food to eat? jello eggs 
What's your favorite food that Mommy makes? Macaroni and n cheese with hotdogs
Do you like to help around the house? Not really. 
Did you have a good birthday party? Yes and I got lots of presents.
What was your favorite family vacation this year? The beach. 
What is your favorite thing to do? Watch football. 
How are you enjoying kindergarten? Ok. 
What's your favorite subject? Computer time. 
How was it to move from tee-ball to youth baseball this season? Awesome! Because I like hitting the ball off the pitching machine.  
What do you think you will be when you are older? A cop. 
What do you love about your Mom? Snuggling and reading.
What do you love about your Dad? When he takes us places, especially when he drives us to Grandmommy's. 
Tell me one thing you love about your brother Parker? Laying down with him and watching a movie. 
Tell me one thing you love about your brother Davis? I love to play with him and tickle him

And now on to the pictures of the celebration. We had an early dinner with family in Seffner on Saturday, before our return home to Ocala.  Wesley had requested a gumball machine for a cake and Grandmommy made Daryl this awesome cake with Kit Kats and M&Ms. 

Presents - Can you guess who's stack is whose? 
That's the platform and all of the boxes of decorations for Grandaddy's Christmas village.  

Someone had a little trouble grasping that this was not HIS birthday cake. 

Happy Birthday Wesley! 

Time for presents. He was so happy with his new fishing pole, loom for making bracelets, two new movies (Planes and Turbo), a gift card to Best Buy, a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles shirt and action figure, a new backpack for all his baseball gear, a Beyblade stadium and warriors, a new skateboard and more clothes. 

Happy Birthday Daryl! (We didn't want to ruin his cake by shoving candles in it) 

Grownup gifts usually involve cards containing cash or gift cards. Daryl was blessed with several of those which were very generous indeed. The last present he opened was from the boys and I - his favorite Bible verse (Zephaniah 3:17) painted on reclaimed barn wood by a woman who is an adoptive mom to a little boy from Thailand and another from China. 

So now we have a 40 year old and a 6 year old living in our house!

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