Last weekend we worked on Parker's Eagle Scout Project at Warren Willis Camp. Uncle Daniel, Aunt Dawn and cousins Kayla and Bethan came up to help us, and we were joined by three adults from Parker's troop as well as several other scouts. Parker's project was to renovate the Low Ropes Challenge Course - redo the benches at the front of the course, weatherproof the Porthole element, and redo the Spiderweb, Nitro Crossing and also Trolleys. Thankful we got it all done before Monday, when the Boy Scout Council shut down all activities for the Covid-19 virus. Now Parker has plenty of time during the shutdown to get his paperwork done so that when we come back he can get his approvals and we can plan a ceremony!
The Before Pictures
Entrance Benches, Trolleys, Nitro Crossing and Spiderweb.
The Project
All the lumber was donated by Ro-Mac and Great Southern Lumber!!!!
Benches at the Entrance
Nitro Crossing
Hauling Away Debris
The After Pictures
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