Wednesday, July 21, 2021

The Great Clothes Swap

Last year was easy with virtual school, the boys just rolled out of bed and threw on clothes. 
But this year with summer starting to wind down, we had to go through everyone's closet to get ready for school. Everyone has grown - no surprise there! Davis has grown enough to move from size 6-8 clothes to  need kids large shirts and size 10 shorts/pants. We had more than enough clothes saved up from his brothers to swap out his entire wardrobe. He just needs socks! 

Just some of the clothes Davis has outgrown (or didn't like from the hand me down pile). 

The full donate pile - four trash bags full! Plus we had one bag of regular trash of things that were stained and worn out. 

The final result for Wesley (on the right) and Davis (on the left). 

This is all the size 12 stuff waiting for Davis to grow again. 


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