I love Winter Park, just outside of downtown Orlando. For years I rode the Amtrak train from Lakeland to Winter Park with my school's summer camp. The train lets out in downtown Central Park and we would spend the night in a hotel, have dinner and window shop all around this beautiful pedestrian downtown. Before we move, we wanted to visit the Morse Museum that has the world's largest collection of Tiffany glass on display. It was amazing!
These Tiffany giant windows and glass doors were commissioned by private home owners and churches. I had no idea that the designer of Tiffany glass was the son of the original owner of the Tiffany and Co Jewelry store (Charles Lewis Tiffany).
These Tiffany lamps were some unusual designs styles we had never seen before.
The Stebbins room had a variety of watercolors and paintings from some relatively unknown artists after World War 1. Loved this butterfly and the water lilies.
This is Tiffany Chapel. Louis Comfort Tiffany built this for the World's Fair in 1893 in Chicago. It was later reassembled inside of the Cathedral of St John the Divine in New York. Eventually it was moved to its own building on Tiffany's estate on Long Island - Laurelton Hall. After a massive fire there tin the 1950s the remnants of the chapel and the Tiffany glass from the estate were purchased and moved to Winter Park. The chapel was simply breathtaking!
These daffodil columns were part of the Terrace at the estate.
Other pieces from the Tiffany estate, Laurelton Hall.
We walked around Central Park and the fountain surrounded by roses. We also and found this great little Mexican restaurant that had amazing fajitas and mojitos for me and this gigantic delicious burrito for Daryl.

Then we popped south a few blocks on Park Avenue into Rollins College and found the status of Mr. Fred Rogers (Rollins alum) that was dedicated last fall. It was so lifelike and included so many details from Mr. Roger's Neighborhood.

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