Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Fun with Family

Yesterday we attempted to get pictures taken of the family. We did manage to get some decent shots, but we spent 2.5 hours at Sears. Neither boy wanted to cooperate and we had to stop twice to feed Wesley a bottle. He is always starving these days! Here's a couple of the shots we got. We'll won't be able to pick up the others for another week.

Then last night we spent at the Storm game with Uncle Daniel, Aunt Dawn and cousins Micah, Bethany and Kayla. Micah recently went on a school field trip to tour the St. Pete Times Forum where the Lightning and Storm play. He got a visor and a t-shirt and 4 vouchers good for 8 tickets to tonight's Storm game. We were invited to join them which worked out great because 5 of them plus 4 of us evens out to 8 tickets since Wesley is under 2 and free! How's that for new math?

The kids were so much fun to watch. They all got "bam-bams" on the way in, the inflatable sticks that make noise when you bang them together. They had fun watching things on the field, cheering along, and dancing to the music in between plays. The kids didn't always like it when the firecrackers went off after a score - they'd stop whatever they were doing and put their hands over their ears! We all ended up leaving after the third quarter as it was 9:45pm and Daniel's family had work/school today and Daddy had to be up early for school. The score was 37 Chicago Rush and 30 Tampa Bay Storm when we left. We listened to the rest of the game on the way home and the Storm did end up losing. Here's some pictures of our fun family outing.

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