Sunday, June 8, 2008

The Last Few Days

Thursday night after Bible Study, Mommy came home and the big boy wanted to play. The board games are in the coat closet in the hallway just outside of Daddy's office and Parker wanted to play Battleship. So we laid right down on the floor and started to play. Now he doesn't understand the real rules of course, but he has his own fun rules for this game. And in the middle of the game we took a timeout for a picture break.

Yesterday and today, Daddy and Parker spent a lot of time working in the yard. One of our neighbors has been mowing and edging our yard for free for the last four years. But he's recently moved away and so Daddy and the big boy have been out three times in recent weeks to tackle the yard. This weekend it was mowing, edging, weeding several flower beds and as well as adding some new plants to the yard. They tore out these bushes from either side of the garage and replaced them with these cordyline (red plants).

Then they laid down weed-mat and put a few crotons in this big flowerbed that runs the length of the back porch (more crotons and mulch to come in the days ahead). Note the plastic purple shovel - Parker's favorite tool to help in the yard - and Parker's own special lawnmower.

Just as they were finishing up today, the rain started to pour down and both of the guys got soaked. As it eased up, Daddy was trying to get some dirt (from little fingers) off the minivan parked in the driveway. Then the fun changed into Parker running from the hose.

Later on today, Parker (or the bottomless pit as we have come to call him lately) wanted another snack. Here's Parker in the living room with his IKEA table and his brother watching Noggin. Wesley's drinking a bottle and Parker is drinking the juice out of his fruit cup

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