Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Midweek Recap

We have a pair of very happy boys and a very happy Mommy this evening because Daddy is back home!!! Daddy left shortly after taking Parker to kindergarten on Monday morning and headed to the Life Enrichment Center in Leesburg for New Pastor Orientation.

So Mommy had been flying solo for the last two nights with the little people. And since Parker's staggered start day for kindergarten was on Monday, that meant Parker got to spend yesterday and today hanging out with Mommy while she worked. Yesterday that meant hanging out while she visited some people and attended a meeting and ran some errands. Today that meant watching movies and putting puzzles together in Mommy's office. But we did manage to squeeze a few fun things into the mix that the boys enjoyed - like macaroni and cheese for dinner on Monday night and Sonic for lunch with Parker yesterday. Also, while we were shopping in Wal-Mart, Parker found a great Gator rug for Daddy's sports collection in the family room that we just had to pickup as a we missed you present!

And Daddy made coming home memorable. On his way home from Leesburg this afternoon, he surprised Parker and Mommy by stopping by Belleview and the three of us went to Sonny's for some lunch!

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