Sunday, October 10, 2010


Daddy got home from his awesome trip last night about 11pm. He had left early Wednesday morning to fly out to the Church of the Resurrection (COR) in Kansas for their annual Leadership Institute. This is a sponsored trip that every second-year provisional elder gets to take through the Florida Conference. He had a great time listening to their pastor Adam Hamilton and getting to go to all of the other learning sessions. Daddy also got to spend some time with family while he was out there. Mommy's Uncle Roger and Aunt Mona Washburn live out there and are actually members at COR. Daddy got to spend Friday night at their house instead of the hotel and hang out with them on Saturday until the early afternoon when they dropped him off at the airport. It was such a blessing for him to be able to see them and spend time with them - we've certainly missed Roger and Mona a lot.

After worship today, we came back to hang out at the house together as a family. We got to watch the Bucs pull out a win and saw that the Rays won their playoff game as well. What a good day for sports in the Allen household! The grownups traded off on short naps and then we spent the rest of the afternoon playing ball with the boys in the backyard - playing catch, letting Parker practice batting with us pitching and helping Wesley practice batting off the tee.

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